Monday, January 26, 2009

Job Searching

I have been busy these past few weeks trying to get myself onto all of the job search and professional networking websites. It is so much to keep up with, whew. I just recently signed up for LinkedIn, which is totally cool and I can't believe that I had never heard of. Here's the link to my page, you should check me out and sign up or add me as a connection!

View Monica Nenni's profile on LinkedIn

I need to find a job in the Cincinnati area by late April early May. My plan after graduation is to move down there and get a place with my friend Casey (!!!). Problem is, I need to find a good job, preferably one that pays the rent. I will be a Miami University graduate with a bachelors degree in Speech Communication, I've been working since I was 15 and am passionate about everything that I get myself into. I don't like to toot my own horn (well, actually I do) but I'm pretty awesome and someone should hire me to do something really cool where I get to talk or write a lot, also I love TV and radio so that would be neat, too!

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